Friday, May 20, 2011

Our drive through the Midwest

Visiting with our friends, Kerri and Jason and their children, who our boys really miss.

Flooding in Southern Illinois and Indiana.  The farmland looked more like the lakes in Florida.

At the drive-in for Mother's Day.  Christopher and two of the boys took advantage of the time waiting for the movie to begin by going to each car to pass out gospel tracks and chat.

Prayer Request:

Jason and Kerri (mentioned above) are going through a VERY difficult time and have been for a few years now when Jason became disabled.  He has a lung disease that has caused him to be steroid dependent for over 10 years, causing major bone issues.  In addition, his pituitary gland stopped functioning two years ago, so that has contributed greatly to brittle bone disease. He can break a bone just from sneezing and recently fell, causing rib, spinal, and skull fractures.

They have a difficult time getting to church and basically Jason leaves the house just for doctor's appointments anymore. Kerri has always homeschooled their four children, but recently went back to work in order to cover the medical bills and perscription costs. Please pray for Jason's healing and comfort. And, pray for continued provision over all of their bills, as well as any other ways you are lead to pray for this wonderful, cheerful family.

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