Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Downtown Albuquerque

Noonday Outreach

Albuquerque, like most warm climate metropolitan cities, have a large homeless and transinant population. One of the local outreaches is Noonday Ministries.  They offer a meal after a message from the pastor. We stopped by and were allowed to offer Gospel of Johns to anyone who wanted them. We passed out 150 Gospels of Johns in about ten minutes.  Most people let us know how grateful they are for the large print.

Hitting the Streets Together

Robert is an Elder at Church of the Redeemer in Los Lunas, NM just south of Albuquerque.  Robert and I hit the streets with Bibles, water and homeless packs.  Robert speaks Spanish fluently and witnessed to 2 Cuban men outside of Noonday Ministries.  We also walked the streets downtown and met Norman (“Homie”) and Silvia.  They are both homeless and struggling to find a way off the streets.  Robert and I shared the Gospel with them and encouraged them to follow Jesus.  Please pray for them. Here are their requests.  Norman needs intercession forunderstanding in how to follow Jesus, and a job.  Silvia would like know Jesus and get a job.

This week Robert and his family will be traveling to Ecuador.  God has called him to plant a Bible school to train up domestic missionaries.  They will be traveling to 3 of Ecuador’s largest cities as they seek open doors for this ministry.  They will be moving to Ecuador in 2014.


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